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- Trescal /

Invested in the lead service provider in calibration and measurement service solutions in France and, in three years, created a global business

2010 - 2013
Good to great
money multipleFrom #1 in France to a global leader: undisputed #1 in Europe and #4 in the US
International roll-out including four acquisitions and opening of a “green field lab” in Singapore with the support of Rolls-Royce
EBITDA CAGRFrom low profitability compared to competitors, Trescal moved to best in class (10% EBITDA at origin to >15% at exit)
Delivered an EBITDA CAGR of 25% from 2011 to 2014
grew twice as fast as its marketBold first step into the US through a significant acquisition, three months post-closing and 100% equity funded