Our people
  • Kathryn Van Der Kroft
    Kathryn van der Kroft
    Group Communications Director


    Kathryn is Group Communications Director. She is responsible for corporate reputation, media relations, internal communications, digital communications and charitable partnerships.

    Kathryn oversees the communication of 3i’s financial calendar activity and its international communications, which involves managing a network of PR agencies across 3 continents. During her career at 3i, she has advised its private equity, infrastructure and debt management business lines and has worked across all its geographies.

    Kathryn previously spent 5 years at Biddicks, a consultancy which specialised in providing financial PR advice to small and mid-cap, publicly quoted companies.

    Kathryn has a degree in English law and European law from London university.

    3i office address

    16 Palace Street
    London SW1E 5JD
    +44 (0)20 7975 3131
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