
Corporate citizenship

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Good corporate citizenship is achieved not only by having robust policies and processes in place, but also by promoting the right values and culture within our organisation.

We strive to embed responsible business practices throughout our organisation.


3i has approximately 250 employees worldwide and has a relatively low environmental impact.

We operate from a network of seven offices across the world, with approximately 60% of our employees based at our London headquarters. All our offices are leased.

We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and to improving our environmental performance wherever possible. We have an Environmental Management System that is proportionate to the operational scale and environmental risk profile of our business. We use the precautionary principle to manage environmental risk for our business and our portfolio proactively.

The environment  



We focus our charitable activities principally on the disadvantaged, on the elderly, on young people and on education.

The charities we partner with are supported on the basis of their effectiveness and impact. We also support staff giving and sponsorship through matching donations.

Our ordinary charitable giving for the year to 31 March 2023 totalled £1 million.

Following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria in February 2023 we donated £500,000 to the Turkey Mozaik Foundation. This foundation provides support for charities working in Turkey and its grantees participated in search and rescue operations providing food, clean water, tents and heaters, and offered counselling and other services to the survivors in the areas affected.

In March 2022, 3i Group provided support for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We donated £1 million split equally between UNICEF and the Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (“MSF”) Emergency Fund.

In May 2020 3i announced it had set up a £5 million Covid-19 charitable fund, funded from Private Equity and Infrastructure carry and performance fees provided for in the income statement in prior periods. This Fund has now been deployed.

Charitable giving  

COVID-19 charitable fund  


Private Equity Reporting Group

3i endorses the ‘Guidelines for Disclosures and Transparency in Private Equity’, published in 2007 following the Walker Review. The annual reports of the Private Equity Reporting Group (which monitors and reports on the UK private equity industry’s conformity with the guidelines) can be found at

The only 3i portfolio companies which met the criteria set out in the guidelines and were included in the fifteenth annual report for the year to 31 December 2022 were Infinis, held within the 3i Infrastructure plc portfolio, and East Surrey Pipelines, held within 3i Managed Infrastructure Acquisitions LP, both of which are vehicles managed by 3i’s Infrastructure business.

Latest Sustainability report

Sustainability section extract from 3i Group plc annual report and accounts 2024
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